Saturday, 31 October 2015

Kids Cancer and Halloween!

As today progresses most of us are ensuring that we have enough sweets and treats in store for all the kids that will be calling as darkness arrives. This 'trick or treat' event has been ongoing for many decades. I did it, my kids did it, and still it continues. I've just returned myself from stocking up on a selection of sweets for later on.
When I arrived home and logged into facebook I was awakened to the fact that there are so many children in our midst who would love to be going 'trick or treating' tonight but are unable to. Why? Because Cancer has stolen their childhood.
Perhaps I wouldn't be so aware of this if it wasn't for one local little girl who has been undergoing treatment for the past two years now. Someone who is a star among the stars as her smile shines brightly through all her pain and suffering. Someone who would no doubt delight in going around the locality tonight trick or treating with her siblings. But alas, like many others in her situation, she is unable to due to the risk of infection and because they are still receiving treatment for cancer.
So as each child arrives on your doorstep this evening, put a little extra sweet in their bag and wish them well on their night ahead. Sometimes we really do forget how lucky we are having healthy children. Let's ensure that these kids tonight have a fun experience and let's not forget all those chidren who are unable to venture out because Cancer has stolen this experience from them.
Next year I hope to see a certain little someone knock on my door and she will be given every available treat that's going.


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