Just one week ago I awoke on Christmas morning around 8am. Having been late getting to bed owing to my big children and their father playing with a new remote control car I was feeling a tad tired. So the only way I know to wake up properly is to go a good brisk walk. And so on this Christmas morning like all others before I did just this. It was shortly after 10am when I finally donned the walking shoes, hat, scarf and gloves. I headed out locally through two housing estates, the back road and then through my local village.
It was a rather pleasant morning. The air was fresh and cool but the sky was clear. A perfect Christmas morning for children to be out playing with their new toys. Or was it?
I walked for over half an hour and on my return home a real sense of sadness prevailed. Not one child had I met or saw outside on this Christmas morning. Not one new bicycle, scooter, remote controlled car, football or other did I spy.
Instead it was all heads in front of the smart tv, the latest playstation, new iphone, ipad or other technology item.
I'm all in favour of technology and moving forward in this high tech world we now live in. Our children must all be tech savvy to get on in life in the modern world. This I can't argue with. But surely there is still a need for fresh air: for sunshine: for wind at their cheeks. Has this really been lost?
As I sat down at home with my own boys that morning I remembered the Christmases past when they were three excited children on Christmas morning. The only one thing that bothered them on this morning was that I wouldn't allow them outside until someone else was out first. I didn't want them waking the neighbours. By 7am there was always at least half a dozen kids outside showing each other the new toys, the new bicycles, the new cars etc. By 9am it was time to return inside for breakfast and some heat. This was just part of the Christmas Day ritual.
I am very aware that outdoors is not explored now, near as much. But surely on Christmas morning there are still kids playing outside. I hope that my area is not an example of the nation. I really hope that some children still enjoy going outside with a good old fashioned toy or other to play and show their friends and neighbours.
It's times like this I really am glad I had my children when I did. The days of fresh air and fun. The days of dirt and freedom. The days of playing. The days when children were children.